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Maraghzar Colony, Lahore, Punjab

what we do

Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property.

On Installments

Since 20 years, Muslim Commercial Estate and Developers has been working to provide each and every facility to their clients by which they could buy, sell or rent property as easily as they could.

The company provides a favored method of consumer financing for big and well as small residential, commercial, agricultural etc. land types. The company favor installment debt since it offers a steady cash flow to the issuer throughout the loan with regular payments based on a standard amortization schedule.


The amortization schedule will determine the size of the monthly installment debt payments. The amortization schedule is created based on several variables, including the total principal issued, the interest rate charged, any down payment, and the total number of payments.

For example, few can afford to pay off the price of a property in a single payment. Therefore a loan is issued with a principal amount covering the property’s value and is amortized with monthly installment payments over a period.

As a result, clients can make steady installment debt payments over the life of the loan, which helps to make purchasing a property more affordable.