[email protected]


Maraghzar Colony, Lahore, Punjab

what we do

Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property.

M. Ali Warraich

Muslim Commercial Estate and Developers is recognized by Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan – IPO, with a registered trad mark.

The company believes on its motto, that is, Come with Confident, Go with Satisfaction. Due to the sincerity of the company and the satisfaction provided to the clients, the company has maintained a positive image in all aspects related to professionalism, responsibilities, team work and dealing.

The team uses a 360-degree marketing strategy, covering all aspects of the projects, and helps buyers on every step of the way, with transparency guaranteed.

M. Burhan ud din Bajwa


M. Hammad Warraich


M. Fahad Warraich

Director (Working in UK)

M. Owais Ud din Bajwa

Finance Manager

Malik Nadeem Awaan

Customer Relationship Officer

Zahid Jutt

Marketing Manager